
The Princely Family and the National Council pay tribute to Prince Rainier III

Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene, Princess Caroline, Princess Stéphanie, Andrea Casiraghi, Charlotte Casiraghi, Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb paid tribute to Prince Rainier III - © Philippe Fitte / National Council

Prince Albert II, Princess Charlène, Princess Caroline, Princess Stéphanie, Andrea Casiraghi, Charlotte Casiraghi, Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb were present in the Council chamber, along with many other VIPs.

A new tribute to the Builder Prince took place on Friday, September 8. The meeting was held in the National Council, where President Brigitte Boccone-Pagès warmly welcomed several members of the Princely Family.


The Sovereign, Princess Charlene, Princess Caroline, Princess Stéphanie, Andrea and Charlotte Casiraghi, Louis Ducruet and Camille Gottlieb were present for this new centenary commemoration of Prince Rainier III’s birth.

The Minister of State, Pierre Dartout, the Government Ministers, the National Councillors, the Mayor Georges Marsan, some former Presidents of the National Council – including Stéphane Valéri – the Archbishop of Monaco, Dominique-Marie David, and many of the Principality’s other leading figures also took part in the ceremony.

Many prominent figures from the Principality were present for the ceremony – © Philippe Fitte / National Council

A new exhibition about Prince Rainier III

After showing a short video entitled « Prince Constituent, l’accord des volontés » (the Constituent Prince, an agreement of volitions)  recalling the history of cooperation between the reigning Prince and the National Council – a history marked by the establishment of a first Constitution in 1911, followed by a new one in 1962 – Brigitte Boccone-Pagès recalled the close ties between the Princely Family and the National Council: “Almost fifty years ago, on 10 May 1974, the  presence of Your extended Family in the Assembly, on the occasion of the festivities marking the twenty-fifth anniversary of the reign of Prince Rainier III, was a great first, which we reflect in one of the panels of the exhibition inaugurated today by its title ‘a day of unanimous celebration’.”

The President of the Brigitte Boccone-Pages National Council also recalled the ties between the Princely Family and the Monegasque people – © Philippe Fitte /National Council

The Sovereign also spoke, stressing that Prince Rainier III “understood the importance of preserving the traditional Princes of our monarchy while maintaining, as he said, an evolution and not a revolution.” Accompanied by his family, the Sovereign then proceeded to sign a new stamp paying tribute to the 1962 Constitution.

Prince Albert II signed a new stamp illustrating the 1962 Constitution – © Philippe Fitte /National Council

At the end of the ceremony, the Princely Family inaugurated the exhibition on the Builder Prince in the National Council. The “L’accord des volontés” exhibition, which can be seen in the building’s glass foyer, traces the history of the Constitution. You can visit the exhibition until December 29.