In brief

Stéphane Braconnier officially new President of Supreme Court

A Sovereign Order was issued on Friday, 13 October 2023 - © Monaco Tribune / Paul Charoy

José Martinez was also appointed Vice-President of the Supreme Court. 

The names of the new President and Vice-President are now known. A Sovereign Order, published on Friday, 13 October, in the Journal de Monaco, stipulates that Stéphane Braconnier and José Martinez shall be appointed respectively as President and Vice-President of the Supreme Court.


In August, an order by the Secretary of the State for Justice, Director of Judicial Services and President of the State Council, also published in the Journal de Monaco, stated that “Stéphane Braconnier, titular member of the Supreme Court, is responsible, in order to ensure continuity of service as from 8 August 2023, and pending the appointment of the new President and Vice-President of the Supreme Court, for monitoring ongoing proceedings and for taking any urgent action.” Stéphane Braconnier will therefore not be in unfamiliar territory.

This autumn’s Sovereign Order also stated that “appointed for a non-renewable period of eight years, beginning on 8 August 2023 as titular members are: José Martinez, First Vice-President of the Administrative Court of Appeal of Nancy [and] Didier Guinard, Professor of Public Law at Toulouse University 1 Capitole.”

In addition, “Régis Fraisse, President of the Lyon Administrative Court of Appeal” and “Jean-Philippe Derosier, Professor of Public Law at the University of Lille” are appointed as alternate members, again for a non-renewable period of eight years.