The MEB in the Netherlands: “A successful, inspiring and productive visit”

From November 21 to 24, the Monaco Economic Board was in Amsterdam and The Hague.
No fewer than sixteen of its member-companies responded to the MEB’s call for a mission prepared back in April at a conference hosted by Florian Carquillat, Deputy Director of the French Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands. The aim: to respond on a case-by-case basis to the different needs of Monegasque entrepreneurs.

On the agenda was the signing of a cooperation agreement between the French Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands and the Monaco Economic Board, preceded by a comprehensive presentation on Amsterdam’s economy by the organisation responsible for attracting investment and partnerships to the region. The trip continued with a visit to the headquarters of, a Dutch company specialising in accommodation reservations. On site, we were shown how a start-up can go from being a good idea to world leader in its category in just a few years.
The next day, the group headed for The Hague, where they met with the Titaan innovation hub, a business incubator similar to MonacoTech. The day continued with a visit to Campus@Sea, a public-private organisation where companies can test their sea-related inventions in the North Sea. It was also an opportunity for SMEG to talk about the Principality’s progress in the field of heat pumps. The trip ended at TotalEnergies headquarters, to discuss alternatives to fossil fuels.
The MEB is planning a similar mission in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in January 2024.