Junk Kouture final to be held at Grimaldi Forum Monaco

It is a sustainable fashion competition for international students.
Students aged between 12 and 19 from schools in New York, Milan, London, Ireland and Abu Dhabi are taking part in this challenge, with the final taking place in Monaco in February 2024. Over the last few months, they have been designing, creating and modelling garments made from recycled items, and they can’t wait to present their extravagant creations to the public, in the hope of winning the World Designer crown.
As the festival’s different communications materials put it, this is a unique opportunity for brands to create partnerships, to invest in the future agents of change and to be part of this celebration of creativity and circularity.
The organisers consider Monaco to be the perfect host, as it champions sustainability and innovation, in particular through the efforts of Prince Albert II, and his foundation dedicated to protecting the planet. Last year, the winner presented a piece of futuristic armour made from an old laundry basket and used windscreen wipers. It represented our planet, on the brink of collapse.

Practical details:
- Date: Thursday 22 February 2024 (doors open at 5.30 pm, show starts at 7pm)
- Venue: Salle des Princes, Grimaldi Forum
- Price: 25 euros
- The event is open to the public and suitable for all ages
- For more information, head over to www.junkkouture.com and for ticketing: www.grimaldiforum.com