Primary school, Collège Charles III, Lycée Albert 1er, Lycée Technique et Hôtelier… registration is open

It’s (already!) time to think ahead to the start of the next school year.
Parents take note: the Government of Monaco has announced that – online – enrolments are open for the Primary School (Maternelle and Elémentaire), the Lycée Albert 1er and the Lycée Technique et Hôtelier de Monaco. Practical point: all the procedures can ce carried out via computer, tablet or smartphone 24/7 using the portal (Education section).
- Enrolling your child in primary school
Any child aged three or over, or who will reach that age during the first term of the school year, and who is either Monegasque or resident in the Principality, is eligible to enrol in a state school. In all other cases, a special authorisation request should be sent to the Direction de l’Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports (DENJS), the Education Department.. The service is available until 22 March 2024 inclusive.
For more details, please consult the form for nursery classes (UK Nursery, Reception, Year 1, or US Nursery, Pre-K, Kindergarten) or the enrolment form for CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 and CM2 classes (UK Years 2 through 6, US grades 1 through 5).
- Enrolling your child in the Collège Charles III (middle school)
Monegasque pupils and/or those who are resident in the Principality, as well as pupils already enrolled in year 6 (5th grade) in a Monegasque state school, are eligible for enrolment. The service will not be available until Monday 6 May through Friday 14 June 2024.
For more information, please consult the school’s registration procedure sheet.
- Enrolling your child at the Lycée Albert Ier or Rainier III
Monegasque pupils and/or those who are resident in the Principality, as well as pupils already enrolled in year 10 (9th grade) in a Monegasque state school, are eligible for enrolment. The service is available until Friday 21 June 2024 inclusive.
For more information, please consult the high school’s registration procedure sheet.
- Post-bac applications
To apply for a post-baccalaureate course, two online procedures are also available in the Education section of
- This procedure sheet should be used to apply for the BTS Support aux Activités Managériale (Managerial Support vocational diploma), the BTS Comptabilité et Gestion (Management and Accountancy vocational diploma) or the DCG (also a Management and Accountancy vocational diploma,
- To apply for the BTS in Hotel and Restaurant Management or refresher course, this procedure sheet should be used.
Registration dates: 1st wave from 17 January to 3 April 2024 ; 2nd wave from 30 May to 15 June 2024.
For more information, consult the procedure sheet on, in the “Education” section, or contact the Education, Youth and Sports Directorate on +377 98 98 83 05 or by e-mail at this address: