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Monaco authorises maternity leave for self-employed

Self-employed women will be able to take a break from their professional activity towards the end of their pregnancy © Pixabay

The bill was voted by the National Council on Thursday, February 22.

Bill 1.086 was tabled by the Government of Monaco three months ago. It was intended to introduce maternity leave for self-employed workers registered with the Caisse d’assurance maladie, accident et maternité des travailleurs indépendants (CAMTI – Monaco’s Sickness, Accident and Maternity Insurance Fund for Self-employed Workers). On Thursday, during a Public Legislative Session, the elected members of the National Council voted unanimously and without amendment in favour of the bill, “whose purpose is to afford the self-employed a right that has long been granted to private sector employees and civil servants and agents of the State and the Municipality,” the Prince’s Government stated.


“The bill represents a significant step forward, as it means equality at last for all pregnant women, whether they are in the private or public sector, or self-employed. From now on, all women can take maternity leave of at least 18 weeks,”  said Marine Hugonnet-Grisoul, appointed as rapporteur of the bill before the National Council. “Of course, our ambition would have been to go further by extending this leave to paternity leave for self-employed workers, as well as adoption leave,” she added.

Christophe Robino, Minister for Health and Social Affairs, welcomed the new reform, stressing that it “will further strengthen the social protection system of the Principality.”  He added that “the scheme will, in parallel, provide an additional tool of socio-economic attractiveness in a key sector for the country’s economy and competitiveness.”