Monaco Private Label evolving to enhance Monaco’s attractiveness

The main changes were presented at a press conference, attended by the new Director, Chloé Leclercq, who is also in charge of the Attractiveness Unit.
“The attractiveness policy is critical and indispensable to consolidate Monaco’s economic model, and the MPL is a key enabler.” Pierre Dartout set the tone on Monday 5 February. As the Minister of State pointed out, Monaco’s major asset is its ability to attract tourists, investors, employees and residents, who contribute to all the different facets of Monaco’s economy, which mostly relies on real estate, financial and banking activities and tourism.
To continue to attract interesting profiles to Monaco and retain existing talent, the Government of Monaco is counting on the Monaco Private Label, a tool developed in 2009 that is now evolving to support its attractiveness policy. Frederic Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition, began by outlining the Label’s role: “The MPL is specifically aimed at residents and investors. We are fortunate to have an exceptional community of residents and investors in the Principality, made up of 149 nationalities from every industry in the world: health, real estate, media, etc. These leaders are keen to help Monaco through their investments, their network or their philanthropic contribution.”
The new version will help:
- attract interesting candidates by promoting Monaco.
- retain the 320 members (out of 2,250) who are in Monaco by significantly increasing the number of events organised during the year. The Summit, Formula 1 Grand Prix and Yacht Show will be complemented by conferences in Monaco and abroad. The idea is to increase the number of Monegasque residents in the club by 20%. Chloe Leclerc also mentioned that a digital tool would soon be launched to further strengthen the links between members and develop a sense of community.
- involve members, treating them as genuine partners in improving our welcome, our lifestyle, and our competitiveness with rival locations such as Singapore and Dubai.
Although the MPL is a government body, it works closely with private concerns such as the AMAF, MEB and SBM.
Frederic Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition
Building bonds and trust
“Over the last few months, we’ve been meeting our residents, who represent a truly elite group with a global presence. We discussed why they chose to live in Monaco, and took the same proactive approach with our international members, asking them about their expectations and needs. Although the decision to settle in a country is multifactorial, it involves human bonds and a relationship of trust, and this is MPL’s strength. We act as a catalyst,” explains the new director.
The MPL will also draw on the community of younger people, who are usually members’ children. “Within the MPL Young Leaders, we have 140 members of 21 nationalities, aged between 18 and 31,” explains Chloé Leclerc. In case you are wondering, people cannot apply directly to join the club. “Residents give us recommendations for choosing members”, concluded Frederic Genta, mentioning some of the criteria for joining the network: having a connection to the Principality, being someone of good character, having been successful in their field whether it be financial, cultural or sporting, and wishing to harness that success for Monaco’s benefit.