Monaco Yacht Club offers unique cruise to children in remission from cancer

The “À Chacun Son Cap” adventure will enable children from the IHOPe centre in Lyon to go sailing in the Mediterranean.
It’s a dream that’s about to come true. Thanks to the generosity of the Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM), children from the IHOPe institute in Lyon, who are in remission from cancer, will be able to try out their sea legs. Announced by François Miribel on Monday, March 4, 2024, the «À Chacun Son Cap» cruise is possible thanks to the participation of YCM members Neil Cheston, Andréa Statari, Christian Choquenet, Loïc Pompée and Paul Basson.
Aged 10 to 17, the youngsters will sail along the coast between Hyères and Monaco. The boats will set sail on 21 April and arrive on 27 April. An unprecedented experience that will conclude at the YCM.
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Much more than a cruise
More than a sailing trip, «À Chacun Son Cap» is all about hope and solidarity. A unique way of bringing a little happiness to the youngsters, and helping them put the disease ‘on hold’ for a few days.
This is not a first for François Miribel. A year ago, he visited the children at the Institut d’hématologie et d’oncologie pédiatrique (IHOPe – Pediatric hematology and oncology institute) in Lyon, with the crew of the Sir Ernst. He recounted his latest expedition in the canals of Patagonia and shared Boréal 47’s adventures, along with Fabrice Papazian and Thierry Leret from the YCM.