National Council recognises three “Femmes d’Engagement 2024”

Annie Olivi, Patricia Husson and Anne Eastwood were honoured at the Awards ceremony on Monday 4 March.
From the humanitarian, disability and political spheres, the three women from the Principality were honoured in the Council Chamber. The awards ceremony launched “Women’s Commitment Week” leading up to International Women’s Rights Day on Friday, 8 March.
The awards honour three prominent women in the Principality, who are recognised for their commitment and exemplary career in the service of the general interest and in support of charitable and humanitarian causes. For the 2024 edition, Brigitte Boccone-Pagès, President of the National Council, and Christine Pasquier-Ciulla, President of the Family and Equality Committee, honoured Annie Olivi, Patricia Husson and Anne Eastwood. The ceremony took place in the presence of Princess Stéphanie, Camille Gottlieb, Minister of State Pierre Dartout, high-ranking State officials, as well as members of the National Council.
Three active women in Monaco

The first, Annie Olivi, was already named “Monaco Female World Leader of the Year 2023”. And now she has been recognised for her unfailing commitment over more than 30 years as President of the Association Monégasque des Handicapés Moteurs . The motor disability charity has been working since 1969 to improve the daily lives of people with disabilities, and their entourage.

Patricia Husson was then presented with her trophy by Camille Gottlieb, in recognition of all the humanitarian actions carried out through Mission Enfance . The charity, of which the Swede is president, aims to help children in need around the world and provide them with educational support. Since its creation in 1991, it has benefited 1,700,000 children in the world’s most challenging areas. Ms Husson is also known for her commitment in other capacities in the Principality, notably as Consul for the Kingdom of Sweden and advisor to Prince Albert II.

Finally, Princess Stéphanie presented her trophy to Anne Eastwood for her remarkable professional dedication in the service of the State. Anne Eastwood began as a Legal Affairs Officer and then as Chief of Staff. She was then Director General of the Department of Health and Social Affairs before heading up the High Commission for the Protection of Rights and Freedoms and Mediation. She is now the Principality’s Ambassador to Italy, Slovenia, Malta and San Marino.
The ceremony ended with strong words of encouragement from President Brigitte Boccone-Pagès,
“Get involved, no matter what field you choose. At work, in politics, for your country, in your family life, for a cause, for a passion… whatever it may be. I invite you to embrace your potential, nurture your passions and follow your convictions. Never underestimate the power of your commitment, because it is through our actions, one step at a time, that we shape our collective destiny.”