Prince Albert II attends Monaco Blue Initiative

The fifteenth edition of this full day’s debates and conferences about the ocean took place on Monday March 18.
Scientists, decision-makers and international organisations gathered at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco to discuss the future of the ocean, the objectives for the next decade, the blue economy and the role of the Mediterranean. In 15 years, the Monaco Blue Initiative, organised by the Prince Albert II Foundation (FPA2) has already witnessed something of an evolution, especially in political terms. “The surface area of Marine Protected Areas has increased. We don’t know if we will reach 30% by 2030, some countries are already there and it is up to us to follow their example,” explained Philippe Mondielli, Scientific Director of the FPA2, speaking to Monaco Info.

Among the speakers was Prince Albert, once again showing his commitment to the oceans and their protection. Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, France’s ambassador for the poles and maritime issues, was also present. “Fifteen years ago, not all of this was on the table, all of these major topics on the ocean. In the intervening 15 years, there has been a huge amount of work done on the ocean, somewhat comparable to what has been done for the climate with the different COPs and in particular in Paris,” he told the Monegasque channel.

The ocean will also be at the heart of discussions in 2025, specifically in Nice, on the occasion of the United Nations Ocean Conference. “This is a very important conference, we would like to do as well as in Paris with the climate agreement (Adopted in 2015, Ed.),” concluded Olivier Poivre d’Arvor.