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Thousands gather at Palace for Prince’s birthday

The Place du Palais Princier filled up quickly from 11am on Thursday March 14, as crowds gathered to celebrate the Monegasque Sovereign's birthday. © Monaco Tribune

The call went out several weeks ago on social media. 

An impressive crowd cheered Prince Albert II below the Palace windows in honour of his 66th birthday. The square had started to fill up at 11 am. Tourists, employees, residents and Monegasques all held miniature flags bearing the Monegasque inscription: “Bon aniversari!” (happy birthday).

© Monaco Tribune

“We’re like a family and we love him,”  said an emotional local a few minutes before the Sovereign’s arrival. “We don’t necessarily come every year, but it was important for us to be here – he needs our support,”  she added.

Her words echoed a message we received from Franck Lobono, a member of the National Council, a few days ago, supporting the idea of a gathering : “It’s vital that we show him our support, especially at a time when he is the victim of a painful betrayal. The Monegasque people stand with him.”

A few minutes before noon, the entire Princely Family appeared at the Palace windows. After waving to the crowd for a few minutes, Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella all made their way down to the square, to much applause. The Sovereign was cut a huge birthday cake to the sounds of “Happy Birthday”, played by the Carabinieri Orchestra, with the whole crowd singing along.

The population certainly answered the call. Among them were several hundred pupils from the Principality, accompanied by their teachers, as well as a number of well known and local figures. “We’re very happy to be here, very proud of our Prince. Happy birthday to him,”  smiled Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou, Monegasque resident and easyJet founder. A little further on, some young friends were enjoying the moment. “The Prince runs our country,  his rules are cool, so it’s nice to be here for his birthday,” says Mathilde, a primary school pupil in Monaco.

The moment of public celebration concluded with an extended walkabout for Prince Albert II in the Monegasque sunshine.