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Georges Marsan to file complaint

Georges Marsan stressed that this was not a new start for him, but the continuation of his term of office © Mairie de Monaco

A week after resuming his duties at Monaco Town Hall, Georges Marsan held a conference with the local press in the wedding suite. Taken into police custody last December and still under investigation today, he announced that he will be taking his case to court. 

This was the first time he had spoken publicly since resuming his full duties on 8 April. Georges Marsan appeared on Tuesday morning with Camille Svara, 1st Deputy Mayor, Marjorie Crovetto, 2nd Deputy Mayor in charge of the Environment and Sustainable Development, and members of the Local Council. There was a lot of emotion in the room after the Mayor’s restraining measures were lifted and his court supervision order eased somewhat.


After many words of thanks, in particular to Camille Svara who took over as acting mayor with “determination and humility” for several months, the Mayor mentioned some of the country’s founding principles: “Since its creation, our Institution has always been resilient and steadfast in its mission, and remains unshakeable, in all circumstances,” he said. Indicating that he does not intend to take anything lying down.

This is not over for the Mayor

“As far as the case is concerned, in my heart of hearts, I have nothing to be ashamed of. I provided all the information requested when questioned and I will not rest until my innocence is proven. (…) The only issue at the moment is contact with the market traders,”  he said. Georges Marsan, who also works as a pharmacist at Place d’Armes and lives in the neighbourhood, says he feels “more personally than professionally hurt” at not being able to approach the shopkeepers at La Condamine market.

Today, the Mayor is still puzzled about the source of the information that was leaked to the press and intends to make it known. “In my view, it is a violation of the presumption of innocence, and even an obstruction of justice. I also question the motives of the public prosecutor, who recently chose to point out that I am still under indictment, rather than remind whomever it may concern that an investigation is necessarily confidential. I therefore intend to bring a complaint today, so that light can be shed on the disclosure of details pertaining to the investigation,” he announced.. He intends to lodge a complaint with the public prosecutor against person or persons unknown, for breach of investigative confidentiality and violation of the presumption of innocence.

Georges Marsan was keen to reassure, and concluded the conference by stating that this was not a new beginning, but rather “the continuation of the term of office the people of Monaco are all waiting for,”  he said. The investigation is still ongoing, and the Mayor’s only restraining order is a ban on any contact with people who have yet to be questioned by the police.