‘Le marathon des fresques’, raising environmental awareness

As part of its commitment to protecting the environment, Monaco’s Town Council is launching an innovative and committed event: the Marathon des Fresques (fresco marathon).
On Saturday 6 April, from 3 pm to 6 pm at the Maison des Associations, the new workshop aims to raise awareness, across all generations, of the crucial environmental issues of our time.
Young and old alike are welcome to take part in the creation of five themed frescoes, tackling subjects as diverse as climate change, waste management and ocean conservation.

Among the activities on offer, the “Climate Fresco” is a fun approach to the complex challenges posed by climate change, while the “Compost Loop” will raise awareness on environmentally responsible purchases and the ecological impact of our everyday choices. Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about the circular economy with a dedicated fresco, and to explore the crucial issues to do with the ocean and water management.
Open to all, the family-friendly event promises to be an opportunity to exchange ideas, learn and take action for the environment through an informative but relaxed activity.
Taking part is free, but you do need to sign up: environnement@mairie.mc. Don’t miss this opportunity to get environmentally involved at the Marathon des Fresques.
- When : Saturday 6 April 2024 from 3 pm to 6 pm
- Where: Maison des Associations de Monaco, 2 bis Promenade Honoré II
- Booking: Free, by e-mail to environnement@mairie.mc