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Larvotto beach open again, cue 2024 summer season!

The 2024 summer season looks promising © Visit Monaco
The 2024 summer season looks promising © Visit Monaco

Beaches, water quality, ecology… there are some new aspects to take note of as summer beckons.

Summer 2024 is almost upon us and that means the holiday season starts very soon.


Work on Larvotto beach completed

The beach subsided over the winter, accentuating the slope.  Corrective work began on April 15. The aim was to restore “a suitable profile to the beach to guarantee sufficient capacity and safe access to the bathing areas.”

The beach is now open again to bathers and all set for summer 2024.

Monegasque water quality to be monitored

The Environment department plans to carry out bathing water sampling and analysis on a weekly basis. The aim is to reassure bathers and demonstrate the quality of the Principality’s waters.

The results will be posted weekly at the Larvotto police station and at each bathing site for easy access. The Société Monégasque d’Assainissement (SMA) will clean up the beaches every day both at sea and on land.

“Monaco Zéro Mégot” in operation again

Monaco Town Council, the Société Monégasque d’Assainissement and the Tourism and Congress Department are again joining forces for this ‘No Butts’ scheme. “Monaco Zéro Mégot”  has been around for many years and raises awareness among residents and tourists about cigarette butt pollution, by distributing pocket ashtrays.

A jellyfish net will be installed near the beaches

Every bather’s recurring summer nightmare is jellyfish. To address the problem, the Maritime Affairs Department will install anti-jellyfish netting from June 1, 2024 as a protective measure.

A new bathing guide

The Environment department has decided to create a “Guide to responsible, safe bathing in the Principality”. The aim is to make everyone aware of good practices that they can follow and bathe in safety.