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4th Sohn Monaco investment Conference – investing and giving

Speakers provide investment insights but raising funds is equally important © The Sohn Conference Foundation

The 4th Sohn Monaco Investment Conference will take place on Wednesday 26 June 2024 at the Monaco Yacht Club, under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco. Europe’s leading hedge fund managers will present investment ideas while raising funds to support cutting-edge pediatric cancer care. 

The Sohn Conference Foundation was launched in 1995 in memory of Ira Sohn, a Wall Street professional who lost his battle with cancer at the age of 29. Since then, the Sohn Investment Conferences have drawn stakeholders in the global financial industry eager to hear market insights from the world’s top investors. Through its Conferences, now in 11 cities across five continents, The Sohn Conference Foundation has also generated more than $95 million of charitable donations from the financial community.


“Sohn Monaco offers a unique perspective for leading investors in the hedge fund industry,” said Evan Sohn, Vice President and Co-founder of The Sohn Conference Foundation. “The growing success of The Sohn Investment Conferences has enabled the Foundation to benefit children’s causes and scientific research all around the world.”  

Past Sohn Monaco Investment Conference beneficiaries include the Division of Pediatric Haematology-Oncology of the University Hospital of Nice, French National Institute INSERM, and the Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer (ITCC) in Paris.

An attentive and appreciative audience © The Sohn Conference Foundation

Chaired by Justin Hilbert and Florence Tournier, The Sohn Monaco Investment Conference, has attracted some of the most talented and influential managers within the European hedge fund space. Among past speakers we can list Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy, Principality of Monaco, Adrian Courtenay, Portfolio Manager, Odey Asset Management , Ben Giesmann, CIO and Founder of the Io Macro Fund, Monaco Asset Management Pr. Pierre-Simon Rohrlich, Head of the Pediatric Hemato-Oncology Department (MD, PhD), Nice University Hospital, Lee Robinson, CEO and Founder, Altana Wealth, to name only a few. 

For more details about the event and the Foundation: