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Charles Leclerc, new ambassador for Bang & Olufsen

Charles Leclerc BANG & OLUFSEN

After AS Monaco, it is now Formula 1 driver Charles Leclerc’s turn to represent the famous Danish audio house Bang & Olufsen in the Principality and worldwide. 

Bang & Olufsen proudly announced the arrival of Charles Leclerc as its new ambassador. The collaboration is bound to make some noise in the world of sound, through creative exchanges, innovative campaigns and exclusive events. A highlight of the partnership will be the launch of a new limited edition product very soon.


“We are delighted to welcome Charles to our brand. We share a taste for performance and craftsmanship and a common passion for musical experiences that bring us closer to the artists we love. We couldn’t imagine a better partner to help us evolve and create a community around the beauty of sound,” said Kristian Teär, CEO of Bang & Olufsen, in the official press release.

Behind the driver, a talented pianist

Charles Leclerc, recognised as one of the finest F1 drivers of his generation, is not only an ace on the track. The local boy has made a name for himself on the world’s racetracks, but also thanks to his second passion. An accomplished pianist, he composes and records his own songs, which he then shares on his social media to show  his love for music and the influence it has on his life.


“My professional life is all about precision and performance, and sound plays an important role in that. The cars I drive are marvels of engineering, and the sounds they make tell me exactly what decisions I need to take. 

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This constant attention to sound has taught my ear to listen differently, and sound quality now plays a key role in my life. When I listen to music, I look for chord clarity and balance, two points that reveal the music in a new light and bring me closer to the artist,” explained the Monegasque pilot.

He added, “I have been a Bang & Olufsen fan for many years: I use the brand’s products every day. The sound clarity and warmth help me disconnect from the racing world and connect with the artist. That’s why this partnership strikes such a chord.”

With this new alliance, Bang & Olufsen and Charles Leclerc are preparing to offer an unprecedented sound experience, combining technological expertise and artistic passion. It’s a pairing that promises to win over both high-fidelity enthusiasts and the driver’s fans.

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