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In brief

Mon’Arc en ciel: New event for Monegasque LGBTQI+ community

La Monaco Pride a réuni 150 participants au Marius, anciennement le Stars'n'Bar © Frédéric Monaco Pride drew 150 participants at Le Marius, formerly Stars'n'Bars © Frédéric Nébinger

On June 28, the new organisation is inviting all interested parties for an afterwork on the subject of the community’s rights.

June is LGBTQI+ community rights month. Prides are flourishing all over the world, and Monaco has had its own time of awareness and celebration of LGBT rights for the past three years now.


Monaco Pride took place last Thursday, an initiative led by Barclays Bank and Fight Aids Association. It brought together 150 Monegasque residents and workers as well as Camille Gottlieb, Marina Ceyssac, High Commissioner for the Protection of Rights, Liberties and for Mediation, and other figures from public bodies such as the National Council and the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Next event

While the now traditional Monaco Pride  took place at Le Marius, the new Monegasque charity Mon’Arc en ciel is organising an afterwork cocktail at the Monaco Novotel this Friday. It will be an opportunity to meet the founding members but also new members and those interested in joining.

The event starts at 6 pm. The aim is to explain the reasons for creating an LGBT charity in Monaco and the community’s rights in the Principality, while spending a pleasant evening over a drink or two.

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