Princely Family honours Corpus Christi on the Rock

Corpus Christi mass was celebrated in Monaco Cathedral on Thursday May 30, followed by the traditional procession through the streets of Le Rocher district. The Princely Family observed this important Christian celebration from the Palace balconies.
Also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus Christi is a particularly important day for Christians and for the Diocese. A movable feast day, and therefore with no set date, it is a public holiday in the Principality, celebrated every year on a Thursday in memory of the institution of the Eucharist by Jesus on the eve of his death.
“It’s a celebration that is close to our hearts. For us, the Church is built around the Eucharist and it is at the centre of Christian life. Through Corpus Christi, we respond to Jesus’ love for us because he gives himself to us, he gives his body and blood at every Mass. Christian people love this way of showing their love of Jesus, first through this beautiful pontifical mass and then with the religious procession through the streets of the Rock. We give thanks to God for being present in our lives,” Abbé Christian Venard told Monaco Info.
Prince Albert II, his wife Princess Charlene and their twins Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella attended the celebration and greeted the Monegasque people from the Palace balconies.