Baccalaureate, BTS, brevet… excellent exam results in the Principality

Most were 100% successful, or not far off.
The end of the 2023-2024 school year means exam results. And they were very good again this year for the Principality’s middle and high school pupils and students.
98% of candidates for the Baccalaureate (across all categories) obtained the precious pass, 82% of them with honours. The same was true of the Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB), where the pass rate rose to 98%, 90% with honours.
A perfect score for students taking the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS), with a 100% pass rate for the 2024 session. Also, six out of nine candidates earned the Diplôme de Comptabilité Gestion (Accountancy and Management) at the Lycée Albert Ier.
The Baccalaureate in detail
For the General Baccalaureate, all pupils from the Lycée Albert Ier were successful. The Lycée François d’Assise – Nicolas Barré achieved a 98% success rate. Among the 88% of honours were seventy-five highest honours, 112 high honours, and 79 honours.
For the technological categories at the Lycée Albert I and Lycée Rainier III, all students passed, with no exceptions, 58% off them with honours. There was one ‘Très bien’ (highest honours), nine ‘Bien’ (high honours) and 22 ‘Assez bien’ (honours).
The Lycée Rainier III professional category had a 92% success rate, including 73% with honours (5 highest, 27 high, 29 honours). The excellent figures speak to the quality of Monaco’s education system!