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In brief

Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation launches shock drowning prevention campaign

Princess Charlene at a drowning awareness day in 2023 © Prince’s Palace of Monaco 

Residents of Monaco and the surrounding area are invited to watch these videos, share them and get behind the cause.


The Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation continues to take action against drowning, which affects around 236,000 people every year. The latest means of addressing the issue: short awareness videos. 

“The Foundation has designed these videos to be accessible and relevant to everyone, in the hope that they will inspire safe, preventive behaviour,” said Princess Charlene of Monaco. “Drowning is a preventable tragedy, and with this campaign, we want to arm every person with knowledge and reflexes that can save lives.”

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Princess Charlene Foundation: 11 years of action to combat drowning

Reaching a wide audience

Focusing on everyday life, the 30-second videos depict different situations where there is a risk of drowning. In one of them, for example, we see a person lying on a deckchair by the pool, with headphones on. Then the phrase “we all know the song” appears, followed by “And yet…” with the image of an armband floating. The message is to remind parents to always be vigilant around water, as children under 6 are the main victims of drowning. 

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The videos can be found on the Foundation’s social media and on local partner channels. They will also be displayed on digital bus shelter screens around the train station, and in the Condamine and Larvotto districts, as well as on billboards at Monaco train station, Polygone Riviera, Cap 3000 and Nice étoile to achieve a wide reach. The videos will also be shown at the open-air cinema in Monaco during the months of July and August.