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In brief

U Cavagnëtu: the traditional Monegasque picnic is back!

Tthe famous Socca stand from last year © All rights reserved 

The Principality will soon be celebrated one of its most cherished traditions: “U Cavagnëtu”, the annual picnic reserved exclusively for Monegasques, their spouses and children. The eagerly-awaited event will take place on Saturday 7 September in the Parc Princesse Antoinette.

The park will open its gates at 5.15 pm, welcoming participants who can provide ID, a compulsory measure to ensure the close-knit, family-oriented nature of the event. The evening will get off to a gentle start with a mass at 6.20 pm on the park’s sports ground, marking the official start of the festivities.


After the religious ceremony, guests will gather for a festive picnic, lulled by the traditional melodies of the U Cantin d’A Roca choir. Jazz lovers will be treated to a performance by a Quartet led by Lionel Vaudano, who teaches at the Académie Rainier III.

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A new feature for 2024

This 2024 edition of U Cavagnëtu has a great new feature in store: a lively ball will be held from 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm on the sports ground. A perfect opportunity for Monegasques to enjoy a festive evening.

Practical details

The Town Council has put in a number of practical measures to help everyone join in: free access to the bus network and to the car park at the Jardin Exotique, on presentation of a Monegasque ID card or invitation.

However, the event does require some special arrangements. The Parc Princesse Antoinette will be closed to the public from Monday 2 to Wednesday 11 September 2024, with some exceptions. The Cabanon des Jeux (playhouse), in the lower part of the park, will remain open except on the day of the picnic. The mini-golf course will be unavailable on 7, 8 and 9 September.