In brief

Monaco celebrates century of international intellectual cooperation at UNESCO headquarters

 International intellectual cooperation at UNESCO headquarters. © All rights reserved 
International intellectual cooperation at UNESCO headquarters. © All rights reserved 

The event was held at the organisation’s headquarters in Paris.


On 13 September 2024, UNESCO celebrated the centenary of the creation of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation (IICI). Monaco was represented by Anne-Marie Boisbouvier, the Principality’s Ambassador and Permanent Delegate to the organisation. 

The commemoration, entitled “Celebrating a century of international intellectual cooperation: from legacy to future action,” provided an opportunity to showcase the exceptional collections (photographs and videos) preserved by UNESCO, as well as encouraging debate on intellectual cooperation and the work of the organisation, at round tables where scientists and historians were invited to share their views. 

A number of issues were addressed, including fostering peace and mutual understanding, promoting gender equality, technological development for the common good and bridging the digital divide. 

Another point discussed was the need to raise awareness and preserve UNESCO’s wealth of documentary and audiovisual archives, in particular those of the IICI. On that subject, Anne-Marie Boisbouvier expressed Monaco’s pride in being involved in such an event, and stressed the country’s financial contribution to safeguarding the shared heritage, inviting other countries to do likewise.