First lung cancer screening campaign marks Month Without Tobacco

Those concerned will receive a letter inviting them to undergo free screening.
November 1 saw the launch of Monaco’s ninth “Month Without Tobacco.” New this year, the national lung cancer screening campaign is open to all persons who are insured in the Principality and aged over 50.
This type of cancer is “a scourge because of its devastating impact on health. It is too often diagnosed at an advanced stage. When caught in time, the chances of recovery are much better. The new national screening campaign demonstrates the Government’s strong commitment to and interest in health policy, for both Principality residents and employees,” says the Minister for Health and Social Affairs, Christophe Robino.
Timely screening, through a lung scan, makes it possible to receive more effective treatment and thus increases the chances of beating lung cancer, one of the most deadly types of the disease.
The screening campaign also aims to raise public awareness of the dangers of smoking, and to encourage people to stop smoking and get regular health checks. The data collected will have a positive impact, as it will make it possible to gather information on the population’s general state of health, and orient policy on prevention and treatment in the Principality.
The Prince’s Government points out that the screening consultation, organised by the Département de l’Action Sanitaire (DASA – Health Action Department) at the Princess Grace Hospital is free of charge.