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Christmas comes early! Princely Twins distribute gifts to young Monegasques

Le Prince Héréditaire Jacques
Monegasque children who had signed up received gifts and treats from the Princely Family © Eric Mathon - Frédéric Nebinger - Prince's Palace

With Christmas just around the corner, the Princely Family handed out a host of gifts in the Cour d’Honneur of the Prince’s Palace.


Prince Albert II, Princess Charlene and their children, Hereditary Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella, attended the traditional Christmas Tree ceremony on Wednesday 18 December. 

The Princely Twins, who recently celebrated their 10th birthday, distributed gifts to Monegasque children aged between 5 and 12, carrying on an eagerly awaited tradition in the Principality.

The Princely Family had some help. Princess Stephanie joined them, along with her daughter Camille Gottlieb. Princess Stephanie had also distributed gifts and boxes of chocolates to the residents of the Centre Rainier III two days earlier.

The ceremony, which is organised every year, is a chance for the Princely Family to share a special moment with the Principality’s youngsters, just a few days before the festive season.

Famille Princière
© Eric Mathon – Frédéric Nebinger – Palais princier
Distribution de cadeaux Famille Princière

Distribution de cadeaux Famille Princière

La Princesse Charlène cadeaux Noel

Le Prince Albert II distribution cadeaux

Famille Princière
© Eric Mathon – Frédéric Nebinger – Palais princier
Stéphanie de Monaco
© Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali

Arbre de Noel

Le Prince Albert II distribue des cadeaux
© Eric Mathon – Frédéric Nebinger – Palais princier