Three distinguished women from the Principality receive Order of Malta decorations

Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Isabelle Rosabrunetto and Marie-Catherine Caruso-Ravera are honoured recipients of Pro Merito Melitensi Crosses.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta presented decorations to three women from the Principality of Monaco at an official ceremony at the Hôtel Hermitage, on 2 December 2024.
Alberto di Luca, the Order of Malta’s Ambassador to Monaco, awarded the Pro Merito Melitensi Cross with Badge to Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Isabelle Rosabrunetto, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and Marie-Catherine Caruso-Ravera, Director of Diplomatic and Consular Relations, were awarded the Pro Merito Melitensi Cross with Crown.

Alberto di Luca, the Order of Malta’s Ambassador to Monaco © All rights reserved
In his speech, Alberto di Luca, the Order of Malta’s Ambassador to Monaco, pointed out the deep and historic links between the Order and Monaco, established since 1168 and strengthened by official diplomatic relations in 2007. The Order Pro Merito Melitensi, established in 1920, recognises distinction acquired through activities that honour and bring prestige to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
A non-political, impartial and neutral organisation
Mrs Berro-Amadeï stressed the importance of the Order of Malta’s “apolitical, impartial and neutral character ” in its work “to combat poverty, disease and inequality“.
Several Monegasque figures attended the event, including Christophe Steiner, Prince Albert II’s Chief of Staff, Jean d’Haussonville, French Ambassador to Monaco, Marc Lecourt, President of the Association of Honorary Consuls of Monaco and Honorary Consul General of Slovenia in Monaco and Jean Kerwat, President of the Association of the Order of Malta in Monaco and Honorary Consul of Croatia in Monaco.