Princess Charlene Foundation and Consulate of Monaco join forces to promote sport in Madagascar schools

The Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation and the Consulate of Monaco have been pooling their resources since 2018 to develop sport in Malagasy schools, to provide children with opportunities for self-fulfilment and education through sport.
Since 2018, the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation and the Consulate of Monaco in Madagascar have been working to promote access to sport in the island’s state schools. The aim of the partnership is to improve Malgasy children’s learning environment by giving them the opportunity to take part in sport at school.
The project targets several parts of the country, including the capital Antananarivo and the Analamanga, Itasy, Vakinankaratra and Menabe regions.

Equipment to practice, tournaments to excel
The Princess Charlene Foundation’s contribution to the initiative is to make sports equipment and facilities available to Malgasy schools, so that pupils can practice a range of sports in optimal circumstances.
In addition to this material support, participating schools have the opportunity of taking part in inter-school tournaments, creating opportunities to strengthen cooperation, team spirit and solidarity between the youngsters.

Sport as a vehicle for education and growth
The partnership is part of a long-term vision to make sport a bona fide educational tool for Madagascar’s children. By putting sport at the heart of their schooling, the Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation and the Consulate of Monaco are working together towards a future where young people can grow through physical activities, while strengthening social and cultural ties between different communities.