Gender parity far from a reality at management level in Monegasque businesses

Men still make up the majority of company directors in Monaco, but the number of women is gradually increasing.
To mark International Women’s Rights Day, the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE) published a study on corporate governance for the year 2024.
The figures show that of the 14,238 people who sit on the Boards of Directors and decision-making bodies of companies listed in the Répertoire du Commerce et de l’Industrie (RCI), 4,068 were women. In 2024, 28.6% of company directors were women, an increase of 1.5 percentage points since 2015.
The most ‘feminine’ sectors are administration, education, health and social work, other services and real estate. By contrast, construction (19.8%), financial and insurance activities (20.1%) and industry (21.9%) have the lowest female representation.
Large companies, such as CMB Monaco, are committed to professional equality. For example, 49% of the Monegasque bank’s 268 employees are women. An example to follow!
More female entrepreneurs in the younger age categories
Other key IMSEE figures show that for businesses created in 2024, 294 of the 989 people involved are women, representing 29.7%.
Women are more heavily represented among young entrepreneurs, with 44.9% of those registered with the RCI aged between 18 and 24, 35% aged between 25 and 34, 32.5% between 35 and 44, 28% between 45 and 54 and 23.1% over the age of 65.
In terms of nationalities, 30.9% of working women registered with the Registre du Commerce et l’Industrie are French, 19.1% are Monegasque, 18.7% are Italian, and there is also a small proportion of British (6%) and Belgian (3.2%) women.