Restaurants closed, apologies from Peter Sagan, green energy … this Tuesday’s essential news

An update on the most important news stories this Tuesday, November 23, 2021.
Seven restaurants closed – You’ll find closed doors at Pulcinella, Quai des Artistes, Neptune, Stars’N’Bars, Before, Cova and Club 39 gym. These seven restaurants have been closed down by the authorities, as reported in the Journal de Monaco on November 19. At issue was the failure of employees to wear masks, which showed “a serious and blatant disregard for the regulatory measures announced in the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic”.
Peter Sagan apologises for behaviour – Peter Sagan said in a November 22 Facebook post that he “[offered his] most sincere apologies”. “It was an ugly experience that made me think profoundly and draw valuable lessons.” The Slovak cyclist is referring to his €5000 fine for the offence of resisting arrest. He had been stopped by police in Monaco on April 25, while breaking the curfew and in a state of intoxication. Peter Sagan resisted so much that he injured a policeman in the hand. “He explained his anger by the fear that he would be forcibly vaccinated,” said the magistrate at the trial.
Five new photovoltaic parks – The Société Monégasque de l’Électricité et du Gaz (SMEG) has just acquired five photovoltaic parks in Côte d’Or, Haute-Vienne, Landes and Gard, with a total output of 65,000 MWh/year. At the end of 2021, 15 parks will generate a total of 34% of the Principality’s electricity consumption.