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National Council of Monaco

© National Council of Monaco

The parliament of the Principality of Monaco is democratically elected every five years. All Monégasques citizens, aged eighteen or over and eligible to vote, are called to the polls. The twenty-four members of the National Council of Monaco elect, each year, their President and Vice-President, as well as the members of the Commissions and associated delegations. It has supreme power during the deliberation and passing of laws, as well as on deciding the State Budget, since this is fixed by law each time.

The National Council meets twice a year, each session lasting three months. The spring session, from 1 April to 30 June, is devoted exclusively to the examination of legislative texts. The autumn session takes place from 1 October to 31 December and is devoted primarily to the examination of the State Budget. Nevertheless, it may involve the examination of legislation, depending on the priorities that have been set.

In addition, exceptional sessions may, in the meantime, be convened either by the Sovereign Prince or by the President of the National Council who must, in the latter’s case, have the decision supported by at least two thirds of the members of the Assembly. These meetings would be held to examine specific texts for which it would not appear possible or appropriate to wait for the next session. It should be noted that only the Sovereign Prince may dissolve the National Council after having consulted with the Crown Council (Article 74 of the Constitution). Elected officials may decide to resign from office.