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Noghes du Monceau Law Firm

© Noghes du Monceau Law Firm

Founded in 2016 by Pierre-Anne Noghès-du Monceau, the firm specialises in commercial, corporate, real estate, environmental and insurance law. Before advising individuals and companies wishing to set up or invest in Monaco, Pierre-Anne Noghès-du Monceaue was a lawyer at the Brussels Bar for more than sixteen years. Today, she practices as an defence barrister at the Monaco Bar. Situated in the heart of the Principality, the law firm advises and defends individuals, companies and institutions before the Monégasque authorities.

Thanks to their experience, lawyers and legal practitioners regularly intervene in complex litigation. The practitioners require in-depth knowledge in various fields such as: business law, commercial law, civil law in the Principality of Monaco, criminal law, environmental law as well as the functioning of local authorities and administrations.