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2 months left to enjoy the beach of Larvotto before it closes for 2 years

Last few weeks to enjoy the beach of Larvotto Cove. In early October, everyone will draw the curtain for nearly two years of work. A new neighbourhood is emerging.

It’s a season unlike any other for merchants on the Larvotto boardwalk. In two months, they will all be down for almost two years. Twenty-one months exactly during which the handle will be rehabilitated in the extension of the shipyard.

The Larvotto, which will be completed in early 2022, signed by the great Italian architect Renzo Piano and internationally renowned landscape architect Michel Desvigne, is nothing more than a renovation. Restaurant owners and store managers know it. They have been preparing for this transitional period for three years.


Work will begin in early October, with a complete closure of the beach. The idea initially proposed to offer a beach for the summer was finally abandoned. It is therefore only in June 2021 that a complete reopening of the cove and shops is planned.

The end of the whole site, meanwhile, with a final phase on the forecourt and facilities, is scheduled for early 2022.

But curiously, aside from the horizon that does not inspire a gentle meditation with its cranes and concrete blocks, summer seems to flow peaceful days. No noise, no dust, no smell, no turbidity of the water. It’s a simple observation.

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The traders are unanimous. And even if the tourist season is not an exceptional year (the majority of traders evoke a ” slight decline”  in July and up to -25% for tobacco “La Licorne”), the cause-and-effect relationship is certainly not related to the only Pharaonic site that unfolds before the eyes of all.

For the time being, managers of restaurants and shops are, for the most part, waiting for the concrete commitments of the State. All must close for October.

It will be a question of dismissing the staff. This may not be good news, but it’s not a surprise.

Everyone is informed and confident. The promised benefits, calculated based on turnover, seem to be recorded and accepted by all. It remains to have the written proof.

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A good thing: in the opinion of all, the walk having had only grooming since 1976 will certainly have a new life from the summer of 2021.